About the Art and the Artist - Kyla Jo Bagnall.
Kyla Jo Bagnall, Artist, Writer & Editor is a long term member of A Nouwen Network. She generously contributed the three graphics below along with the following statement:
“This work is an on-going production of anti-stigma graphics for mental illness. I am passionate about this cause, and as such all of these graphics are free for use in campaigns, fliers, bulletins, billboards, stickers or anything you can think of*.
Over the years, I have seen and experienced many victims of stigma. In 2010 my mother was hospitalised for severe depression. Since then she has also been diagnosed with Bipolar and PTSD, and to this day has regular hospital, psychologist and psychiatrist visits. I have seen my mother abandoned, I have personally felt isolated and scared and I have seen friends refuse to see psychologists or consider taking medication all because of stigma.
Stigma is dangerous and needs to be taken down, so please share, share, share the message! I hope that through these graphics and through all the other campaigns and people standing up for anti-stigma, one day mental illness’ biggest enemy will be defeated.”
*Providing you make no claim of ownership or creation of the graphic/s, you do not make changes to the graphic/s and you do not use the graphic/s to make profit.”
A Nouwen Network’s Anti- Stigma Graphics
How can we challenge stigma?
Research suggests that stigma may be reduced by protest, education and contact.
Stigma, Discrimination and Mental Illness - WA Health
Confrontation as an expression of compassion.
“Honest, direct confrontation is a true expression of compassion. As Christians, we are in the world without being of it. It is precisely this position that renders confrontation both possible and necessary. The illusion of power must be unmasked, idolatry must be undone, oppression and exploitation must be fought, and all who participate in these evils must be confronted. This is compassion. We cannot suffer with the poor when we are unwilling to confront those persons and systems that cause poverty. We cannot set the captives free when we do not want to confront those who carry the keys. We cannot profess our solidarity with those who are oppressed when we are unwilling to confront the oppressor. Compassion without confrontation fades quickly into fruitless sentimental commiseration.”
Henri Nouwen - ‘Compassion: A Reflection on the Christian Life’ p. 124.
All of the graphics in the three galleries below are available free for use. They are located on the facebook page ‘Spirituality, Pastoral Care & Mental Health’ within the #StopStigma Album of the Photos section.
Learn more about A Nouwen Network in the Archive Pages: