Liturgies & Rituals with a Mental Health Theme
A Litany For Mental Illness
Healing God, your Son Jesus said “I am the light of the world, the light no darkness can overcome.” Today we hold in our loving care those who struggle with mental illnesses and brain disorders. Give them hope and the knowledge that they are not alone. Be their light, Gracious God:
Hear our prayer.
Life-Giving God, we pray today for the families, friends and caregivers of those suffer with mental illnesses and brain disorders. Give them strength in the journey and comfort in your words: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Gracious God,
Hear our prayer.
Creator God, we thank you for the many advances that have been made in the treatment of mental health and brain disorders. We pray for doctors, scientists, psychologists, therapists and all whose work bring healing and hope. Gracious God,
Hear our prayer.
Gathering God, we pray for this congregation, that we may treat every person with dignity and kindness; especially those with illnesses of the mind as well as the body. Gracious God,
Hear our prayer.
ALL: We pray for courage to challenge old notions about those suffering with mental health and brain disorders. We ask you to help us reach out to individuals and families who suffer due to these illnesses. Free us from fear, and lead us all in a future of hope. Amen.
by Pastor Jeff Ronning, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. (OCT. 2010)
A Litany of Prayer and Awareness - Prayer Of Confession
Leader: We confess that we are still uninformed about mental illness and how it impacts persons and their families.
Response: At times, because of our lack of knowledge and understanding we find ourselves separated from our sisters and brothers with mental illness, their families and ourselves.
Leader: There are lines drawn between us because we may define wholeness and normality with different words, but not a different spirit.
Response: Because of our lack of knowledge we live cut off from sources of strength and power that would help us be present to people with mental illness. This lack often makes us feel that we cannot act.
Leader: So many events, meetings and needs call to us, grabbing for our attention, that we find ourselves stretched to a fine, thin line.
Response: In the face of all this, we continue to seek knowledge and understanding of mental illness that will bring liberation and shalom to us and those we serve and unite us to action.
All: O God, our liberation and shalom, we seek the power of your Spirit, that we may live in fuller union with you, ourselves and our sisters and brothers with mental illness. Also grant that we may gain courage to love and understand each other. Amen.
from NAMI FaithNet resources for National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness Recovery and Understanding