Prayers For Specific Mental Illnesses
Holy God, we come confessing to You that, even as we follow You,
we often live in direct contrast to who You are.
We know that people with schizophrenia need understanding and support,
but instead many experience stigma and exclusion.
Lord we say we are your followers, but don’t follow your example.
Give us a heart to be open to those who long for acceptance and love.
Forgive us for those times when we have shunned others because of our ignorance and fear.
Lord hear our prayer.
Lord, you suffered loneliness in the Garden of Gethsemane while the apostles slept.
We pray for those who cannot sleep, who feel lonely and isolated, rejected or misunderstood.
Teach us how to be caring, how to listen.
Lord hear our prayer.
Loving and Caring God, we pray for those who do not feel loved or know how to love themselves.
Bless them with your grace and give them strength and courage to face the future
and teach us how to reach out in gentle friendship.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Loving God, we pray for those who live with schizophrenia.
In your deep compassion, bless them with a sense of well-being that only your peace can bring.
Grace their family and friends with a confidence and commitment to remain supportive and encouraging of them.
Touch the hearts and minds of the community, that we might have a more accurate and
compassionate understanding and acceptance of their journey.
Enlighten the minds of those who seek to predict, treat and prevent this debilitating illness.
These prayers were prepared by members of St Joseph and St Anthony Parish, Bracken Ridge , Brisbane
for Schizophrenia Awareness Week 2015
Dear Lord
Help me to see and hear
With eyes and ears of compassion
My fellow human beings:
Who are labeled ‘schizophrenic.’
Dimly I sense their struggle
No wonder
Some find catching a council bus
Or answering the phone
Too scary to even attempt.
Little wonder some folk
Have never held a job
Have never had a life partner.
Many have endured psychotic episodes
That they can’t understand
And neither can anybody else.
Help me not to judge
But instead to meet the person
Behind the label.
That way our shared humanity prevails
Brother and sister both
Equally celebrated and loved by God.
Heather Stabler (in memory of Craig)