Prayers For Specific Mental Illnesses
Eating Disorders
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
A Candlelighting Service
We light the candle of Truth that God will help us dispel ignorance and misinformation about major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, severe anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. (Silent prayer)
We light the candle of Healing that troubled minds and hearts, broken lives and relationships might be healed. (Silent prayer)
We light the candle of Understanding that the darkness of stigma, labels, exclusion and marginalization might be dispelled for the sake of those touched by mental illness. (Silent prayer)
We light the candle of Hope for persons and families living with mental illness, for better treatment, for steadier recovery, for greater opportunity to work and serve. (Silent prayer)
We light the candle of Thankfulness for compassionate, dedicated caregivers and mental health professionals; for new discoveries in brain research and better medications. (Silent prayer)
We light the candle of Faith to dispel doubt and despair for those who have lost hope and are discouraged. (Silent prayer)
We light the candle of Steadfast Love to remind us of God’s love and faithfulness, and to remind us to share the light of love and service for those living with mental illness. (Silent prayer)
written by Carole J. Wills
(via Mental Health Ministries pdf)