Prayers for survivors of suicide loss

If you have Domestic Violence, Abuse or Suicide issues, please seek professional advice 

on how to protect yourself, as well as seeking prayer support.

A ‘Survivor of Suicide Loss’ is the expression used to refer to the family and friends left behind after someone dies by suicide. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, “Survivors are the ones left to pick up the broken pieces and find a way to move forward through grief and emptiness. Survivors are some of the strongest people we know. “

…If you’ve lost someone to suicide, you may feel . . . 

  • alone, as though no one understands what you’re going through. 
  • shocked, even if you knew your loved one was at risk. You may find yourself replaying their last days over and over, searching for clues.
  • responsible, wondering whether there was something you missed, or something you could have said or done, or wished you hadn’t said or done.
  • angry, at whoever you believe is to blame: the doctor, therapist, spouse, boss, or principal, for example.
  • abandoned by the person who died.
  • ashamed and worried about whether to tell people the truth, for fear of being judged.
  • guilty for laughing, having fun, or beginning to enjoy life again.
  • relieved.

Don’t worry. It is normal to have some, all, or none of these feelings as you cope with suicide loss."

As quoted on the homepage of  Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group - Madison, NJ

God our strength and our redeemer:

you do not leave us in this life

nor abandon us in death.

Hear our prayer for those in despair,

when days are full of darkness

and the future empty of hope.

Renew in them your sustaining strength

for we believe that there is nothing in all creation

that can separate us from your love

in Christ Jesus our Lord.


God of hope,

we come to you in shock and grief and confusion of heart.

Help us to find peace in the knowledge

of your loving mercy to all your children,

and give us light to guide us out of our darkness

into the assurance of your love,

in Jesus Christ our Lord.


Merciful God,

hear the cries of our grief,

for you know the anguish of our hearts.

It is beyond our understanding

and more than we can bear.

Source:  Funeral Helper

Let us pray…

Lord, we ask that you comfort the suicide survivors.

Remind them that they are very special people.

Remind them that they are heroes.

Fill their minds with beautiful memories of their suicide angels.

Provide them with everything that they need Lord.

Ease their pain.

Give them hope.

Give them comfort.

Give them guidance.

Help them heal.

And help them in every way possible.

Let them feel our love, and your love, Lord Jesus.

Adapted from ‘A Prayer for Suicide Angels, Suicide Survivors, and the Suicidal’ 

by Kevin Caruso at


There are times when I am so angry with him.

How could he have done such a thing to me? Such a selfish thing!

He’s now out of the picture. All his problems are solved.

He couldn’t cope with life, so he ended it all. 

Finished! Done! Let somebody else clear up the mess. 

And that means me. 

Didn’t he recognise that the shock of finding him could have killed me? 

Or was he so wrapped up in his own misery that he didn’t even consider that?

Oh God, Why? 

Why did he not talk about his despair? 

Why didn’t he trust me enough to try to explain? 

How can I live with this guilt? 

Should I have noticed something? 

Will I ever forgive myself? 

Or him? 

Will I ever get over this? 

God, if you’re there and if you care, 

please listen and understand. 

I need someone who can.

 Marjorie Dobson, as quoted in Suicide Survivors Resource Pack, compiled by Linda Frost. p.24

See Also Psalms and Prayers of Lament on this website

…”My heart is crushed, Lord. I pour out my brokenness to You. I know that You will not abandon me forever. Please show me Your compassion, Lord. Help me find a path of healing through the pain so that I will hope in You again.

…Although I can't see past today, I trust in Your great love to never fail me. Give me Your grace to face this day. I cast my burdens on You, knowing You will carry me. Give me courage and strength to meet the days ahead.


Extract from ‘A Prayer for Comfort’ by Mary Fairchild

‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.’

… And the strength to survive.

An extended Serenity Prayer offered by  Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group - Madison, NJ