Prayers for those with suicidal ideation
If you are having thoughts about taking your life, it’s very important to tell someone you trust so that you can get the help you need to feel better. If you can’t immediately find someone you know to talk to, there are always people who are contactable by phone and who are willing, able and available 24 hours to help you.
You can see a longer list of HELPLINES HERE.
“Suicidal thoughts, or suicide ideation, refers to thinking about or planning suicide.
Thoughts can range from creating a detailed plan to having a fleeting consideration. It does not include the final act of suicide.
Many people experience suicidal thoughts, especially during times of stress or when they are facing mental or physical health challenges.
Suicidal thoughts are a symptom of an underlying problem.
Treatment is effective in many cases, but the first step is to ask for help.
If a loved one is having these thoughts or talking about suicide, it is essential to take action to help
and protect them.”
“God of love and mercy, grant me strength to overcome my feelings of loneliness and unhappiness.
Grant me courage to walk away from this abyss of pain and desperation.
Grant me light to see your love and kindness to guide me to inner peace.
Grant me your presence in my life so that I may know you are always by my side.
God, grant me my life, now and evermore.”
‘Prayers for those contemplating suicide’ at Clerical Whispers blog
…”Earlier, I mentioned believing my death would be a blessing to others. But I’m still here because one friend noticed something was wrong and did something about it.
Angela invited me to dinner, took me along to pick blackberries with her kids, and constantly reminded me how important I was to her family. She told me she loved me, it wasn’t my fault I was broken, and God didn’t like that I was hurting. She was simply present in my pain.
On a hot July night, when I was tired of fighting to stay alive, I showed up on her doorstep because I knew it was safe. And her family walked with me through the dark.
When I needed Immanuel, God With Us, she carried him into my life. She helped me believe I was loved and my life mattered.
So often, all it takes to save a life is being Jesus to us – being present, being loving, and being light. Christ is “in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27). You don’t need answers or to be able to fix it. You just need to be present, perhaps help set the doctor’s appointment or just listen. Just be aware of those hurting. Just be kind.
Depressed and suicidal people just need you to enter the dark and sit there with us, your love unchanged. You could be his arms to hold us, his hands to feed us, his voice to tell us we’re not alone. Your love and kindness are more powerful than you know.”
An extract from ‘I love Jesus but I want to die: what you need to know about suicide’ by Sarah @ Beautiful Between
A prayer for those contemplating suicide
For each of your beloved children
who this night are poised to take their own life,
we pray this prayer.
For those plagued by despair,
for those haunted by hopelessness,
for those immersed in mind-numbing pain,
for those confused by bewildering delusions,
for those mired in violent memories,
for those pushed to the edge by grief,
for those bullied because of their sexuality,
for those overwhelmed by stress or financial pressures,
for those caught fast in chains of addiction,
for those feeling unwanted and unloved,
for those who can love everyone but themselves,
for those who feel that the world would be better off without them,
Creator of us all, hear our prayer.
Send your rainbow of hope
arching over these dark moments.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet;
thousands of angels of every hue
surrounding and supporting each dear one
tenderly, lovingly,
away from the brink.
Your presence a bridge to one more day.
Copyright Carol Penner
…”Lord God, be with all those who have struggled with suicidal thinking, who have lost a loved one to suicide, and those who need support. Be with them. Help them to know that they are not alone, that they are loved, and that they have places to turn when they’re in need.
Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer.”
Written by people who attended Soul Shop For Faith Leaders
Learn more about Soul Shop
“O Lord and Giver of Life, may we all recognize the great value of the life You have given to each one of us. But look in a special way on those who no longer find any meaning in the life they are leading.
You can see every movement of the human heart and You knew what depths of despair, discouragement, frustration, loneliness, or self-hate have led them to the edge they are standing on.
Have mercy on them, and open their eyes to see that the road has not ended. Fill their hearts with new hope. Place people in their lives who will love them, with your own love, and who will give them a reason to live again. Make them know they are worthwhile and needed.
And Lord, if You wish to use me as your instrument in touching someone, feel free to do so.
Author Unknown
Let us pray…
Lord Jesus Christ we ask that you help everyone who is suicidal.
Guide them so they may receive the help that they need.
Protect them.
Prevent them from dying by suicide.
We need them. We love them.
Let them feel our love, and your love, Lord Jesus.
Adapted from ‘A Prayer for Suicide Angels, Suicide Survivors, and the Suicidal’
by Kevin Caruso at
“Creator and loving God, you walk with us in this life and do not abandon us in death. Hear our prayer for those in despair, when days are full of darkness and the future empty of hope. Renew in them your sustaining spirit. For we believe that there is nothing in all creation that can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Prayer composed for the Healing Gathering of the Parishes of Moosonee-Moose Factory, Sept. 2010
via Newsletter of St. Matthew’s Anglican Church Ottawa
“Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart for my friend. He/She is struggling so much right now with the things happening in his/her life. I know You can be his/her greatest comfort. I know You can step in and make a difference. Show me how I can best help him/her. Give me the words and actions that will keep him/her from taking that ultimate step of suicide, Lord. Let him/her see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that suicide is not the route to take. Lord, let Your presence be felt in his/her life and let your comfort be what he/she needs. Amen.”
Kelli Mahoney in Prayers for Suicidal Teens
Most loving and forgiving God,
hear our prayers for all
who seek to end their life
by their own hand.
The despair is too great,
the loneliness is unbearable,
the inability to share
thoughts and feelings overwhelming,
the seeming lack of options a dead end.
Bless them with the strength of love
to meet each day with new courage;
friendships to bring moments of joy
in their days of anguish;
and hope for the future.
- Vienna Cobb Anderson via